List Addresses Around GPS
Find out which addresses and premises are nearby within a GPS radius.
Required inputs
GPS Coordinates
Data | Explanation |
Latitude | Latitude of the searched point. |
Longitude | Longitude of the searched point. |
Location radius
Input | Internal or External ID |
Radius | The radius of the search area in meters. In other words the distance in meters from the user's GPS coordinates. |
What can you set?
Data scope | Content |
Empty | The setting will be set to the default state, which in this case means 'Basic'. |
Basic | Retrieves the address associated with a specific ID. You can obtain the address in several different formats, depending on your needs. |
Full | The full data scope provides the same information as the basic version but with additional details. For example, it includes the region, the name of the district, whether it has external IDs, and its GPS coordinates. The availability of data varies depending on the state. For information about availability, refer to Location datasopes. |
Data source | Content |
CZ | Addresses and locations from the Czech Republic. |
PL | Addresses and locations from Poland. |
SK | Addresses and locations from Slovakia.Results limit |
Results limit | Content |
10 | Results limit of response. You can choose the limit of results for the / search endpoints. |
ZIP format | Content |
Yes | This option determines the format in which the ZIP is returned - 130 00. |
No | This option determines the format in which the ZIP is returned - 13000. |
Empty | The setting will be set to the default state, which in this case means 'No'. |
City format | Content |
Yes | The setting will be set to the default state, which in this case means 'Basic'. |
Minimal | This option determines the format in which the city is returned - Praha. |
Basic | This option determines the format in which the city is returned - Praha 8. |
Extended | This option determines the format in which the city is returned - Praha 8 - Karlín. |
Accept nearest | Content |
Yes | If the searched area does not contain any addresses, Foxentry can return list of the Nearest locations to the searched area (acceptNearest = true). |
No | If the searched area does not contain any addresses, Foxentry will not return a list of the nearest locations to the searched area." |
Empty | The setting will be set to the default state, which in this case means 'Yes'. |
What can you find in the response?
Updated 19 days ago