You can choose the scope of data that is returned in the response. Basic datascope is returned as default, Usually a different pricing is used for individual datascopes.

Basic datascope

countryCountry code in format ISO-3166-1 alpha-2.CZ
streetStreet name.Saská
numberStreet number divided into sections.520/3
streetWithNumberStreet with number.Saská 520/3
zipZIP code.11800
fullFull address.Saská 520/3, 11800 Praha 1
internal IDInternal Foxentry ID.41571067-dd29-4851-bebf-75780e197a64

Full datascope

Basic datascope included plus:

postOfficeIn what post office jurisdiction the address falls under.
Název pošty.
Praha 011
gpsGPS location
GPS souřadnice.
50.086927302342, 14.407320860056
custom coordinate systemMay vary for every country.
Jiný souřadnicový systém.
JTSK (x,y)
Hlavní město Praha
Území Hlavního města Prahy
cityDistrictCity district.
Městský obvod/městská část.
Praha 1
cityDistrictSpecialSpecial types of city districts. Used only in Prague (CZ) at the moment.
Správní obvod v hlavním městě Praze (CZ).
Praha 1
cityPartCity part.
Část obce.
Malá Strana
cityAdministrativeCity administrative area.
Správní obec
cadastralAreaCadastral area.
Katastrální území.
Malá Strana
external IDExternal address ID. May vary for every supported country. CZ = RUIAN, PL = Government data, SK = no external ID.21700133
region IDRegion ID.19
district IDDistrict ID.9999
cityDistrict IDCity district ID.500054
cityDistrictSpecial IDCity district special ID.19
cityPart IDCity part ID.490121
cadastralArea IDCadastral area ID.727091
city IDCity ID.554782
street IDStreet ID.468576