The following status codes are used throughout the API reference.

Error codeStatusDescriptionPossible fix
400Bad RequestWe were unable to understand the request due to the missing parameter or bad syntax.Please review the request parameters and syntax, and make any necessary corrections before resubmitting the request.
401UnauthorizedThe user is not authenticated or does not have permission to access the requested resource.Please check your bearer token and the manner it is inputed in the request. If the problem persists, please contact our support team for assistance.
402Payment RequiredThe user's project is currently low on credit.Please check your project administration as an owner and purchase a sufficient ammount of credits.
403ForbiddenThe user is authenticated, but does not have permission to access the requested resource.Please check if your API key is not restricted to a different IP address or contact our support.
404Not FoundThe requested resource could not be found on the server.Please check the URL and input parameters to ensure that they are correct.
405Method Not AllowedThe requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified resource.Please ensure that the HTTP method is correct for the resource being accessed, and that the URL is correct.
429Too Many RequestsThe user has exceeded the rate limit for requests.Please wait a few moments before resubmitting your request, or consider reducing the frequency of your requests to avoid exceeding the rate limit.
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.Please wait a few moments before resubmitting your request, or contact our support team for assistance if the problem persists.
503Service UnavailableThe server is currently unavailable and unable to handle the request.Please wait a few moments before resubmitting your request, or contact our support team for assistance if the problem persists.

Error handling

Besides HTTP status codes, which are the main indication if something goes wrong, we also use errors object to report more details about errors.

Errors object example:

"errors": [
      "group": "REQUEST",
      "type": "BODY",
      "subtype": "EMPTY",
      "severity": "critical",
      "relatedTo": [],
      "description": "Cannot process the request because of the empty body. Please check for more information."

Errors object atributes:

groupGroup that error is categorized in
typeType code of error
subtypeSubtype code of error
severitySeverity of the error. Info = lowest, warning = moderate, critical = self explanatory
relatedToTo what inputs is the error related to. Used mainly for responses with 200 status.
descriptionhuman readable error description.